Can you freeze bacon?


“Change is good. Bacon is better.”

There are lots of cute sayings about the pure deliciousness of eating bacon, and we can see why. Around the world, this delightful strip made from pork is popular in so many households. Brits and Americans are obsessed with bacon; the average U.S. citizen eats 17.7 lbs. of bacon per year. UK bacon lovers can top those numbers, consuming 17.86 lbs. of it annually.

Bacon enhances just about every food it’s wrapped around, and tons of celebrities are addicted. Stars like Gwen Stefani, the late Elvis Presley, Katy Perry and Padma Lakshmi are huge bacon addicts.

Most of us love buying bacon in bulk, but sometimes we have so much, we don’t want even one strip to go to waste.

Bacon can be safely stored for future enjoyment, and we have the best tips that show you how to do it right.

Can you cook bacon and then freeze it?

Yes, you can cook bacon and then freeze it. The way most folks do it is by cooking big batches at once; it’s called batch-frying. After the strips are all cooked, drain them on paper towels for a few minutes.

Simply wrap them in plastic wrap, and place them in freezer bags for taking out another time. Cooked bacon that has been frozen still nicely retains its texture, flavor and crunch when re-heating.

How long does bacon last in the freezer?

Bacon lasts for quite a while in the freezer when packaged properly as we have outlined above. Most chefs suggest that bacon popped in the freezer will maintain its best flavor if used within six months.

That’s a pretty impressive shelf-life and convenient for all of us who cannot put down a strip of bacon.

Thawing frozen bacon

Thawing frozen bacon is easy in a choice of three methods. Food experts say never to thaw bacon on the counter. Bacteria can set in that way.

  1. Method one involves defrosting bacon in the refrigerator. Transfer the frozen package straight from the freezer, and leave in the fridge overnight.

Even if you do not eat the thawed bacon the next day, it will last in the fridge for up to seven days.

2. Method two is thawing in cold water, and it’s a faster way to defrost. Place the package in a large pot of water, changing the cold water every 30 minutes. Within an hour or two, your bacon should be ready for re-heating.

3. Method three means the microwave oven which offers the quickest solution. If you have an automatic defrost, then set it, remove bacon from its frozen packaging, and place the bacon on a microwave plate to zap.

Can you freeze bacon grease?

Yes, you can freeze bacon grease. If you choose the batch-frying method to cook your bacon before freezing, you’re left with wonderful bacon fat or grease. Many people like to strain it and use it for cooking. Bacon fat also makes a delicious start to a number of yummy soups.

Some chefs like to pour the bacon grease, and freeze it in an ice cube tray. You get uniform cubes for tossing into dishes for wonderful flavor. You could seal the tray in a large freezer bag when the cubes have become solid.

You could also pour the bacon grease into a plastic air-tight container, and pop it into the freezer. As long as air pockets don’t exist, the bacon grease will be fine.

Can bacon be frozen twice?

Yes, bacon can be frozen twice, as long as it wasn’t all microwaved and re-heated from the freezer.

Food experts say the best way to do this is in refrigerator thawing. Once your frozen strips have defrosted, you can safely refreeze the bacon you might not have had a chance to enjoy that day.

Can opened bacon be frozen?

Yes, opened bacon can be frozen, and most people take the raw pieces and wrap them tightly with plastic wrap. Then the bacon is placed in a resealable freezer bag and stored away in the freezer.

Freezing bacon individually

can you freeze bacon individually?Freezing bacon individually is another great way to make proper portions and keep the snack easy to reach for without prying them apart.

Just freeze them on a parchment paper-lined cookie sheet and when solid, transfer to a freezer bag. The strips will be good for eating up to six months.