Captain’s Hot Spiced Cider
As a chef, you often find yourself as the final authority on all matters restaurant related, even if they involve things in...
Time For A ‘Manly’ Smoked Apple Salad With Cheddar And Bacon
Time for another Manly Salad! This time it’s my Smokin’ Apple Salad. As I’ve said before, there is no reason a guy can’t...
Monterrey Potato Bake | Southwest Inspired Potato casseroles
Potato casseroles have fallen out of style for many reasons, chief among them being increased calorie count and the added expense of...
11 Best Spring Recipes You Should Make This Season
Tis the season for garden salads, berry-packed smoothies, and lemon-zested dishes. From March to May, I love to infuse the seasonal flavors of...
Delicious Creamy Tuscan Pasta Salad
Who doesn’t love pasta salad with a summer meal? But there’s so much more you can do with this than just the...